Let’s Take a Step Back #2

Sooraj Kamath
1 min readMar 13, 2021
The eye of a Thayyam artist PC: Poonam Kamath


Apologizing doesn’t necessarily mean we are wrong, it simply means that we value our relationship much more than our wanting to be right.

So next time an apology can help you move on, just leave your ego behind and say I’m sorry..


Wisdom from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for today’s Corona times:

The Circle of Concern encompasses the wider range of things on which we have no control ex: government policies, pandemics etc.

The Circle of Influence encompasses those things we can do something about ex: our work, health, diet etc.

Proactive people focus on their Circle of Influence, thereby expanding their Circle of Influence.

Reactive people focus on their Circle of Concern, and thereby their Circle of Influence shrinks.

Do you want to be proactive? What are the things you can influence?

Move on from what you think to what you are gonna do about it..


“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” — John Muir

Everything we do, is connected to everything else in our organizations. When you take decisions or actions, consider every person or party that could be impacted.

